I Need Help

If you want to Drink that’s your business.

If you want to stop that’s ours..

I Need Help

Have a problem?

There is a solution. A.A. has a simple program that works. It’s based on one alcoholic helping another.

I Need Help

We care

In AA, alcoholics help each other.
We will support you. You are not alone. Together, we find strength and hope.
You are just one step away.

If you wish to speak to an AA member about your drinking, call (01) 842 0800 and press option 1 when asked to do so.

Find a Meeting

Helping alcoholics to

achieve sobriety

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.

Daily Reflections


Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong, and then we approach true tolerance and see what real love for our fellows actually means.

I Need Help
If you think you have a problem with drinking, we're here to help.
I’m worried about someone else’s drinking
Al-Anon offers understanding and support for families and friends o­f problem drinkers.
Information for Professionals
A.A. members are available to provide professionals with information about Alcoholics Anonymous
Is A.A. for you?
Only you can decide whether you want to give A.A. a try - whether you think it can help you.

News & Updates

The Road Back Issue 445
19 Jul 2024

Issue 445 of The Road Back Publication is now out!

GSO Closure
26 Jun 2024

The General Service Office will be closed on Thursday 27th June 2024 between 9:30am and 2pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you.

Service Handbook For Ireland – 2024 Edition
17 Jun 2024

The Service Handbook For Ireland – 2024 Edition is now available to purchase from the online store.

Order Here

AA For The Older Alcoholic – Revised Edition
24 May 2024

AA World Services have revised and reformatted AA for the Older Alcoholic – Never too Late (P25) to a new redesigned book and is now available from GSO.

All Ireland Convention 2025
30 Apr 2024

All Ireland 2025

68th All Ireland Convention

Clayton Hotel, Sligo

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th April 2025

2023 Audited Accounts
29 Apr 2024

2023 Audited Accounts

Draft Conference Minutes March 2024 Now Available
22 Apr 2024

A copy of the draft minutes from Conference March 2024 are now available to view and read.

Please Click Here for a copy.

Important Notice – GSO Closed Tuesday 16th April 2024
15 Apr 2024

The General Service Office will be closed on Tuesday 16th April 2024 due to unforeseen circumstances.

GSO Closed Good Friday & Easter Monday
28 Mar 2024

The GSO will be closed on March 29th, Good Friday and April 1st, Easter Monday.

The office will reopen on Tuesday 2nd of April at 9.30am

GSO Closed
16 Feb 2024

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the General Service Office will not open until 2pm on Monday the 19th February 2024
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Phone System & Email disruption
22 Dec 2023

December 22 Update 2pm – Internet and phone services have now been restored.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

GSO Christmas Closing Times
14 Dec 2023

GSO Christmas Closing Times

The Online Shop now lets you view items in Euro or Sterling.
23 Nov 2023

The Online Shop now lets you view items in Euro or Sterling.

Meetings missing in Meeting Finder
21 Nov 2023

We are currently working on a technical issue with our provider to resolve an issue that is affecting our meeting finder.

Service Handbook – Back In Stock!
16 Nov 2023

Service Handbook – Back In Stock!

October Bank Holiday 2023
27 Oct 2023

GSO will be closed Monday 30th October 2023. The office will reopen for business as normal on Tuesday 31st October.

Directory of AA Groups in Ireland September 2023
21 Sep 2023

The Directory of AA Groups in Ireland is now available to purchase, through the online shop or at the General Service Office.  This booklet is confidential and available to AA members only.

Online Shop – Price Increases
1 Sep 2023

On September 1st, prices in our Online Shop will adjust to reflect some increases in costs that have been passed onto us from AA World Services and also a V.A.T. increase that came into effect from 01/09/23.

Website Issue – Missing Counties
23 Aug 2023

We are aware of an issue with our website where some counties are not showing in the dropdown menu.

Our Web Team are aware and are working to resolve this issue.

Please bear with us while a resolution to the issue is found.


Donegal Convention Added to Events
14 Aug 2023

Donegal Area Convention

Theme – Freedom to be Responsible

Friday 13th to 15th October 2023 – Jacksons Hotel, Ballybofey, Donegal

Events Page – Click Here

Shop for AA Literature

The most efficient way to place orders is via our online shop. Orders will be shipped to the address provided with the order. Online orders can also be collected from GSO.

Click here for the online shop.  Payment options include Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Alternatively, the General Service Office AA Literature Shop is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm.

Literature can be pre-ordered and for collection if requested. Click here to download an order form (Updated May 2024).


Shop Now

Upcoming Events

Area 12 Open Meeting October
location Kilcoole Community Centre
date Oct 25 2024 - Oct 25 2024
Open Meeting with Al-Anon Participation. Last Friday of every month.
Cork City Open Meeting Event November
location Sacred Heart Church Meeting Room
date Nov 5 2024 - Nov 5 2024
Open Meeting
Kerry Area 58th Annual Convention
location Kerry
date Nov 8 2024 - Nov 10 2024
Brandon Hotel, Tralee
Molesworth Street Open Meeting November
location Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
date Nov 9 2024 - Nov 9 2024
Open Meeting with ISL Interpreter
Area 10 Day of Gratitude 2024
location Dublin
date Nov 16 2024 - Nov 16 2024
St. Michael's House, Templeogue, Dublin 6W, D6W V998
Belfast Area Day of Gratitude 2024
location Belfast
date Nov 17 2024 - Nov 17 2024
Ramada Encore Belfast City Centre, 20 Talbot Street, Belfast BT1 2LD

Watch the full video here